Would you like help to increase your business?

If you are the owner of a small or medium sized company that would like help and a “helicopter view” of your operations I’m sure I can assist you.

I can work in more or less any role: Board Member, Advisory Board Member, Mentor or just a short term consultant. I’m a practical person that prefers action for talk.

I have nearly 40 years of experience within:

⇒ Strategy
⇒ Turn around – efficiency
⇒ Management
⇒ Logistics
⇒ IT
⇒ Brand building and evolvement
⇒ Retail management

I believe in “no-cure-no-pay” and will happily assist you free of charge till results are proven.

Just call +45 86 17 07 77 or mail me on Flemming.Frandsen@Zynergy.dk